Canklow Woods Primary School

Canklow Woods Primary School

Part of White Woods Primary Academy Trust

Wood Lane, Rotherham, South Yorkshire, S60 2XJ

01709 828405


“Words create sentences; sentences create paragraphs; sometimes paragraphs quicken and begin to breathe.”
Stephen King 


All children view themselves as a writer.

High expectations are coupled with careful monitoring and scaffolding of all our children. USing the best sentences from the best authors will develop language and sentence structures. By looking at the ‘mathematics’ of a sentence, all children will feel ready to write independently using the wide range of writing tools they have been trained to use. 

Children will be respected as an individual writer and see themselves as writers. They will be provided with regular opportunities to make individual choices and encouraged to develop their own creativity. Regular practise of key writing skills will provide children with the confidence to apply these in a range of independent situations whereby they have a chance to show what they have internalised. The range of writing experience we provide will enable all children to alter their long term memory and knowledge more, remember more and be able to do more as writers.

 Year 1 Example Unit.pdfDownload
 Year 3 Example Unit.pdfDownload
 Year 6 example unit.pdfDownload
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Writing at Canklow is driven through

  • Whole Class Teaching
  • Strong Stuctures
  • Modelling
  • Clear, explicit chunks of sense.
  • Positive and negative intent

The Fantastics offer 9 lenses with which to structure ideas and target children’s thinking. This supports children in developing variety in their writing by focussing on the vocabulary used, initiating ideas, provoking thoughts and igniting imaginations.   

The Grammaristics focus on the importance of accurate grammar where tools are taught and used immediately to help children develop fascination around language so that they can manipulate and carefully structure words into sentences

The Boomtastics focus on the art of writing, using a range of literary devices and techniques to make careful choices, playing with language to add flair to our writing and achieve various intentional impacts on our reader, painting vivid pictures through our word choices

By simplifying our writing process to these 27 reasons to write, children will have plenty of opportunities to regularly revisit these skills across school.

“Let me say it again: You must not come lightly to the blank page.”
― Stephen King,

As part of the writing process, children will spend time exploring vocabulary and the parts of their sentence before they construct it. Their books will have a 'thinking' side for them to jot their ideas for vocabulary and practice grammar skills and a writing side where they will always write in sentences.

Time to consider appropriate vocabulary, also gives them an opportunity to delve into the language of intent. This will ensure they are able to make appropriate vocabulary choices to enhance their writing.

 "At any one time language is a kaleidoscope of styles, genres and dialects."

-David Crystal

Pupil's Writing

Sentence Stacking