Canklow Woods Primary School

Canklow Woods Primary School

Part of White Woods Primary Academy Trust

Wood Lane, Rotherham, South Yorkshire, S60 2XJ

01709 828405

Welcome to Class 3

Miss Field is the teacher in Class 3 and Mrs Speed teaches on Thursday afternoons while Mrs Ronan supports all week.


Pe day

Our PE day is Monday.  Please could we ask that any long hair is tied back and no jewellery is worn on this day. 



This half term...

We will begin by reading the story The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by CS Lewis and will look closely at the different characters and how the plot develops.

 In maths, we will be learning about fractions and understanding denominators and numerators.

In science, we will be learning about animals, including humans and how the different parts of the body work. 

In history, our focus will be the Bronze Age, Iron Age and Stone Age and asking the questions - what did they find and how did things change during these times?

We have a Games Expo to look forward to in May and Class 3 will have the opportunity to code their own games using Scratch.

We will be learning about portraiture and scultures in Art and how to be our best in PSHE.  We will  also be looking at what it means to be a Christian in Britain today.


We are reading



Brothers and sisters, Edmund, Peter, Susan and Lucy, discover the world of Narnia by hiding in a wardrobe.  However, all is not well in Narnia which has been gripped by the terror of the witch.  Can the witch be defeated once and for all and at what cost?

We have read


     My Dog Is As Smelly As Dirty Socks: And Other Funny Family Portraits :  Piven, Hanoch, Piven, Hanoch: Books                   Bug Club Pro Guided Y3 While I Am Sleeping by Malaika Stanley  (9780435164799/Paperback) | LoveReading4Kids Bug Club Pro Guided Y3 Hot Spots and Other Extreme Places to Live by Shirin  Yim Bridges (9780435164492/Paperback) | LoveReading4Kids

                            Stone Girl Bone Girl: The Story of Mary Anning of Lyme Regis: 1 : Anholt,  Laurence, Moxley, Sheila: Books

Learning at Home

We regularly use TTrockstars and all usernames and passwords can be found on Google Classrooms.  The children are also able to access Scratch if they wish but don't have thier own account at school.









Key dates


Monday 15th April - term starts

Thursday 18th April - parent/carer meetings

Wednesday 22nd May - Games Expo

Friday 24th May - break up

Friday 14th June - Castleton trip

Wednesday 10th July - School disco

Friday 12th July - Summer fayre

Tuesday 16th July - Sports day

Friday 19th July - Last day of term

Photo gallery
